Friday, July 24, 2009

Bobcaygeon to Orillia

Had a good ride across Lake Simcoe, which we heard can really kick up. We're happy to have found a calm day. Part of the trip was through the very narrow and shallow (hey that almost rhymes!) Trent Canal. We were seeing .9 feet- that's "point nine" under the keel. A bit hair-raising and nerve-wracking! All of the locks from here on are going down, which is much more pleasant and less turbulent.

We stopped for the night just above the Kirkfield Lift Lock. It's like the lock at Peterborough with two pans, except that here, since we're locking down, we go out to the end at the top! Holy cow---- we were hanging out there!! The lock tenders were walking all over the structure 49 feet in the air. I was hyperventilating! It worked out well, as you can see, I'm still here!

The weather turned rainy, so we're using this stop as a provisioning, laundry, and rest stop. They are having a bass fishing tournament here... small, low freeboard boats with big giant engines.... catching fast fish!

This cottage sits all alone on an island along the waterway on the way to the Kirkfield Lift Lock.

Standing at the top of the Kirkfield Lift Lock looking down. This lock lowers you 49'.

Here we are entering the lift chamber. We decided to stay in the middle of the chamber, rather than go all the way to the front where it looks like you could fall the whole 49 feet!

Half way down. Notice the other chamber going up.

On our way safely out of the lock at the bottom. Note the wall behind us-- that is 49' that we rode down.

This is an original waterway bridge built in 1905.

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